welcome to a healthy new you!
Illness is a call for attention to that which is no longer working in our lives. Our current medical model was constructed to treat acute disease and pursued a quest to find a pill for an ill’.
We now need a new paradigm for healing chronic disease, and this is where Lifestyle Medicine has a role to play.
Lifestyle Medicine offers an integrative approach to healing. Lynne uses a variety of modalities to find the best fit for your healing journey to optimal wellness & vitality.

Functional Medicine

DNA Genetic Testing

Nutritional Therapy

Health coaching


Wholefoods Cooking

Lynne spent many years living, sailing and cooking on yachts in the Caribbean; she has also cooked at Kripalu, the largest Yoga Institute in America and ran the kitchens at Bodhi Khaya, a retreat centre near Stanford and the Buddhist Retreat Centre in Ixopo, KZN where she perfected her culinary skills with a focus on vegetarian cooking. These days her foods have a focus on hormonal wellness.
Lynne practices as an Integrative Health Practitioner and is a qualified Clinical Nutritionist. She is a member of the Institute of Functional Medicine (USA) and SASIM (The South African Society of Integrative Medicine) & The Health Coaches Association of SA.
Lynne is a qualified Health Coach through Patrick Holford’s Zest4Life training program.
As a Health Coach, Lynne’s role is to support and motivate you in the successful achievement of your health goals. You will be inspired with practical ideas to implement positive food & lifestyle changes.
As an experienced Whole Foods Chef Lynne combines her skills and knowledge in practical ways that support her clients in achieving optimal nourishment, health & wellbeing. Her recipes have been featured in various publications, including Food & Home, Destiny & Wellness Magazine.
Lynne see’s her role as a conduit for you to find your way back to perfect health, the body’s natural state of being.
Download your free workbook here!
Welcome to the Nourish By Nature community and for taking an interest in your health and wellbeing.
Please know that wherever you might be with your health right now, it is possible to shift and that every small baby step can lead you to the positive health space you wish to achieve.
This workbook can help you to assess and identify your current health status.
Included is a habit tracker that will help you to formulate and solidify the small baby steps (habits) that you can take which will lead to your success.
It offers you 12 nutrition and wellness inspirations that can guide you in your new habit formulations. Feel welcome to come up with your own ideas, and if you would like further support on this journey, please contact me for a free 20 minute consultation to get your started.
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